Are Stocks Ready To Bounce?

We’ve had our eye on the 3800 level in the S&P 500 as an area of logical support. Assuming the index finds support at 3800, it sets up the possibility for a bounce-back up to the 4200 level before running into any serious overhead resistance. At the end of last Friday’s trading session, the index…

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Buy the Dips or Sell the Rallies?

Earlier this week, I put out a short video addressing current market conditions using price, breadth, and Relative Strength ratios as our guide.  The reasons we had moved all but a small portion of investor funds to the safety of cash are still very much in play, and based on the data, we believe the…

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No Banks, No Bull

Regardless of daily headlines about the current direction of equity markets, what the Fed is thinking, or what Elon is doing, there are a few tried and true rules that remain pretty consistent. And one of those rules is that without banks, there are no bull markets.  That doesn’t mean banks have to be the…

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Most Investors Aren’t Prepared for What Comes Next

Thus far 2022 is giving investors very few places to hide… Friday’s free-fall capped the worst month for the S&P 500 since the COVID crash in 2020 and the NASDAQ just experienced its worst month since 2008.  There are 10 index charts here – pick one, any one – not one of them is in…

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Start Sharpe(ning) Your Investment Skills

Good portfolio management begins and ends with risk management.  In last week’s ADAPT, we discussed the importance of understanding maximum drawdown, a key stat that can determine the likelihood that an investor can stick with an investment strategy through both good times and bad… And why it’s important to keep that number as low as…

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It’s Time We Looked Beyond Returns

Last week my kids had Spring Break and we visited a theme park. I rode every single roller coaster. I was hurled from 0–50mph in 2.8 seconds, dropped from over 100 feet, and sent upside down and backward at 70mph. While it made for an exciting vacation, I want my investing experience to be exactly…

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Value Is the New Growth

I’ve said it before: You can’t score from the 50-yard line if you’re calling plays that work best from the 20-yard line. You need the right playbook for the right spot on the field. Investors are guilty of making the same mistake. Far too many investors are still using the playbook designed to work in…

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How to Build an All-Weather Portfolio

In my recent series, “The Death of 60/40,” I cautioned investors that traditional asset-allocation strategies that have worked in recent years would begin to fail.  We’re not even three months into the year so far and the classic 60/40 is down more than 10%, on pace for the worst drubbing since the financial crisis of…

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Overlooking This One Sector Could Really Cost You

Technical analysis is all about seeing what IS happening in the market, not what MIGHT happen in the market. I’ve never met anyone who made money based on what might be… just what is. That’s a big reason why we focus our efforts on technical analysis. I’d rather find something that’s working. Why complicate it?…

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