They Want You to Lose – I Want You to Win

It’s Chris here with a very important message… While it may appear that demand is finally in control at the moment… it’s almost guaranteed to be temporary.  It’s incredibly important that you don’t lose sight of the fact that it leads to the setup of the greatest, easiest, most obvious Bearish trades this summer.  People…

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To Survive This Market You Need to Stack Your Returns

No question about it, this has been a challenging year for investors.   Most asset classes continue to post negative returns.  Between April and May, investors saw the S&P 500 post seven consecutive weekly declines before staging a rally last week.    Noticeably missing is the customary positive returns that bonds often provide during periods of stock…

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Watch Out for Bear Traps

I’ve been around long enough to have navigated through my share of Bear Markets. I was first rudely introduced to the Bear during the infamous Tech-Wreck.  And I can tell you from personal experience, that it was quite a learning experience – an expensive one at that. But maybe those are the best lessons… There…

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Are Stocks Ready To Bounce?

We’ve had our eye on the 3800 level in the S&P 500 as an area of logical support. Assuming the index finds support at 3800, it sets up the possibility for a bounce-back up to the 4200 level before running into any serious overhead resistance. At the end of last Friday’s trading session, the index…

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Are You Recession-Ready?

Are we headed for a recession? The growing evidence that suggests the answer to this question is, unfortunately, yes.    U.S. GDP fell at a 1.4% annual rate in the first quarter – another quarter of negative growth would officially mark a recession. Those who think a recession can be avoided are of the groupthink that…

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Buy the Dips or Sell the Rallies?

Earlier this week, I put out a short video addressing current market conditions using price, breadth, and Relative Strength ratios as our guide.  The reasons we had moved all but a small portion of investor funds to the safety of cash are still very much in play, and based on the data, we believe the…

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We Are Facing a Period of Incredible Change

As we’ve outlined previously, we’re in a period of incredible change.   Disinflation has been replaced with inflation. Interest rates are now rising, ceasing a 40-year trend in falling rates. The Fed is now removing liquidity from the economy which could push us over the edge into a recession.  These shifts are significant and will continue…

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No Banks, No Bull

Regardless of daily headlines about the current direction of equity markets, what the Fed is thinking, or what Elon is doing, there are a few tried and true rules that remain pretty consistent. And one of those rules is that without banks, there are no bull markets.  That doesn’t mean banks have to be the…

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The Most Important Story in Finance No One Is Talking About

The most profound seismic shift in the global monetary bedrock in decades is happening right now, right before our very eyes… and no one seems to notice or care.  But eventually, they’ll have to.   As I’ve been warning investors, we are rapidly shifting into a new regime. Inflation is forcing the Fed’s policy hand in…

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