Are Investors Too Optimistic?

Stocks rallied last week into last Friday’s close – an encouraging development!  But dare I say… investors are optimistic.  You see, if you’ve been paying attention, you’d know that many Fridays this year have experienced sizable sell-offs.  Why? Because traders wanted no part in holding positions over the weekend. The risk was too great.  What…

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Proceed With Extreme Caution

Heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson was famous for saying, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” My Question: Did Energy just get punched in the mouth? Because it sure looks that way. Until now, the Energy sector has been immune to the rout hitting the rest of the market.  Energy has been…

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Buy the Dips or Sell the Rallies?

Earlier this week, I put out a short video addressing current market conditions using price, breadth, and Relative Strength ratios as our guide.  The reasons we had moved all but a small portion of investor funds to the safety of cash are still very much in play, and based on the data, we believe the…

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