It’s Still a Dollar Story

Any way you slice it, it all still comes down to the dollar.  We can talk about interest rates, the Yen, and inversions – there are all kinds of interesting relationships… But none of them may be as important as the impact the direction of the U.S.Dollar has on risk assets around the world. I…

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Commodities Just Did Something They’ve Only Done Twice Since 2008

Let me set the stage… Over the past 20 years, it’s been nearly impossible for any asset class to displace U.S Equities as the strongest asset class on a relative basis. So, is the U.S. Equities’ dominance over other global asset classes on the ropes? Maybe… it’s still a wait-and-see. But they’re certainly taking it…

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Country Bias Could Cost You the Gold

In the spirit of the Olympics, let’s discuss the idea of home-country bias as it relates to investing – particularly here in the United States. As part of what I do here, I’m often asked to review prospective clients’ portfolio holdings and allocations to provide feedback… And I must admit, it’s been a long time…

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