Risk Evaluation Can Be A Powerful Tool

Christmas Eve taught a lot of investors an important lesson this year. The lesson was this: if you want to avoid mistakes when market volatility rears its head, you’ve got to measure your risk carefully. When stocks dipped rapidly towards the end of 2018, some investors were inevitably pushed past their breaking point and bailed,…

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Financial’s Surprise Post-Election Surge…and Fall Back to Earth

No broad sector was a bigger beneficiary of Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 Presidential election than Financials. Following the election, the sector moved swiftly up from the #8 ranked sector on a relative strength basis. In just 8 days, From November 3, 2016 to November 11, 2018, the Financial sector rocketed to #3.…

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Warning: Investors are reading this market wrong!

Record highs in the DJIA, The S&P500, and Nasdaq are misleading investors into a false sense of security. That’s because while the DJIA, the S&P 500, and the NASDAQ are all rising to record levels, the “true market” is flashing red. For proof, look no further than the NYSE Bullish Percent Index or NYSE BPI.…

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